by Marnix Pauwels | sep 28, 2019 | Awakening, English, Insights, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Spirituality
‘I know how you feel’, we say. But we don’t. We know how WE feel, at least approximately, or we remember how WE felt when we went through an experience with the same name. I will never ever know how you feel. And yet it comforts us, this shared sense or common idea of...
by Marnix Pauwels | sep 26, 2019 | Awakening, English, Insights, Purpose and Meaning, Relationships, Spirituality
Patience is the miracle trait with lousy PR. It’s extremely unsexy, but I’m dead serious. If there’s one thing you should cultivate, it’s ‘the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious’. Patience means...
by Marnix Pauwels | sep 26, 2019 | Awakening, English, Insights, Spirituality
You can’t see what you don’t see. It’s bloody obvious, but being fundamentally aware of it changes everything. There’s no way I can step outside my worldview and borrow yours for a while. There’s no way I can observe the planet with different eyes than mine (eyes that...
by Marnix Pauwels | sep 17, 2019 | Coaching, English
‘I think I should learn how to delegate more’, she tells me. It’s our fourth conversation. This powerful businesswoman is doing really well, having a lot of crazy insights, and the anxiety around her fresh relationship that was the reason she contacted me, vanished...
by Marnix Pauwels | sep 12, 2019 | Addiction, Anxiety, Awakening, Coaching, Insights, Love, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Relationships, Spirituality
Er zijn op dit moment ruim 400 therapievormen en andere stromingen die een verklaring en oplossing bieden voor onze psychologische ervaring. De meeste ervan zijn complex in protocol en uitvoering, en vrijwel allemaal vergen ze een enorme investering van tijd, pijn en...
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