by Marnix Pauwels | mei 30, 2021 | Awakening, English, Insights, Love, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Spirituality
Waking up is a real thing. I know this, because I’m living it. I’m in it. And it has been like that for years. Waking up is not an event, but more like a subtle unfolding. An expanding recognition, an endless opening up. A light that keeps on shining brighter....
by Marnix Pauwels | mei 30, 2021 | Awakening, English, Fiction, Insights, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Spirituality
I am a little boy. I am a little boy playing on the beach, running towards the waves and back again, laughing, splashing. I am totally, utterly happy. I AM happiness. Not a single thing in the world is out of order. The castle I built is huge and skewed and awesome....
by Marnix Pauwels | mei 29, 2021 | Awakening, English, Insights, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Spirituality
I love the smell of cow shit. It’s of one of the gazillion things that are totally subjective but don’t look or feel or smell that way at all. Things just appear to us the way they appear, and we simply don’t question it. It is what it is, right? We see a beautiful...
by Marnix Pauwels | mei 28, 2021 | Awakening, English, Insights, Love, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Spirituality
I have a new rule in my life. I like it a lot. It presented itself about a week ago, and it goes like this: ‘If I can’t be nice, I don’t do anything until I can be nice again.’ It’s my Shitty Mood Response Prevention System. So when I get pissed off, or frustrated, or...
by Marnix Pauwels | mei 26, 2021 | Awakening, English, Insights, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Spirituality, Typically Me
I am SO judgmental. No, wait, let me rephrase that: ‘The mind/body-system that seems to be writing this, the illusory thing that is created by universal intelligence to experience separation in all of its wicked splendor, judges the fuck out of life.’ Like: Pro Level....
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