Sometimes it feels like life is breathing down my neck.

Like time is slipping through my fingers.

And there aren’t enough hours in the day.

‘Hurry up, you are wasting precious time, get on with it!’

Do you ever have those moments?

FOMO, right?

Well, what we rarely acknowledge, what we rarely reflect on, is that it’s absolutely impossible to miss out on something, anything really.

Can’t be done.

If you were not at the party that turned out to be absolutely epic, you simply weren’t at the party.

You didn’t miss out on it.

You can’t ‘almost’ be somewhere.

You can’t ‘almost’ do something.

Because if that really is a thing, it opens up a crazy can of worms.

While you were supposedly missing out on the Party of the Century, you also missed out on inventing a new cancer cure, swimming with dolphins or turtles or German shepherds, having a conversation with a gardener on the other side of the world, shaving off your hair, writing a book on mushrooms, having sex with a garden hose, falling down a mountain, listening to Dolly Parton, building a model of the universe from Legos, frying an egg, frying two eggs, petting a parrot, drinking a liter of herbal tea, blinking your eyes a hundred times per second, yawning in a dark basement, crying in the subway, eating a boring chicken sandwich, and literally countless other things.

There is no such thing as an unfulfilled life, a life of missed chances.

There is only this life, this, here.


Not that.

The idea that something COULD have happened (let alone that you are missing out on it), is just a clever trick of the mind.

There is life, and whatever you do is what you do, but you are not missing out on something else.

Can’t be done.

Life is not about you frantically looking for the secret dots and connecting them to get the perfect adventure that is waiting for you, instead of not seeing the signs and receiving the shitty, second place existence.

It’s impossible to predict what would have happened if you had done this and that after all, because that situation doesn’t exist.

It’s 100% impossible to do life wrong.

It’s an evolving, breathing, shifting, ever-changing miracle that we are somehow experiencing, and you can never stupidly slip away from a perfect version into the darkness, because you weren’t paying attention somehow.

Whatever happens, is what happens.

Whatever doesn’t happen simply isn’t there, and it’s also not ‘almost’ there.

When time seems to slip through your fingers, that’s nothing but a vivid experience created by the mind, not an objective assessment of how much you are fucking up.

Fair enough: if such a moment inspires you to do stuff that feels good and will somehow be beneficial for your life: awesome.

But if you feel like you are doing something wrong and you are stupidly and habitually missing the signs: think again.

You will never, ever, EVER miss out on something.

Can’t be done.

If stuff happens, it happens, if it doesn’t, it doesn’t.

And you know what?

Right now, you have literally all the time in the world.

Pretty cool, huh!

(Photo by @rojekilian, for Unsplash)