by Marnix Pauwels | mrt 19, 2022 | Awakening, English, Insights, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Spirituality, Typically Me
After 54 years of Self-help books Therapy Training Coaching Medication Healing Exercising Writing Meditating Talking Trying Changing Or deliberately letting go, I can still not just sit still without doing anything. There is ALWAYS a purpose, an idea, a suggestion, or...
by Marnix Pauwels | mrt 15, 2022 | Addiction, Anxiety, Awakening, Coaching, Insights, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Relationships
There are SO many cycles. During the day, during the week, and throughout our lives. Purely physically, or dressed up as moods. Cycles in how we look at ourselves. Cycles in energy and inspiration. And even spiritual cycles. One of the fields where I see it played out...
by Marnix Pauwels | mrt 15, 2022 | Awakening, English, Insights, Love, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Relationships, Spirituality, Typically Me
One of the reasons I have pulled back a lot from social media, is my highly ingrained urge to be right. To have the right answers. To know what stuff means and tell people. To be the ultimate judge, the fact factory. To know it all. And to deeply believe that is true....
by Marnix Pauwels | mrt 13, 2022 | Awakening, English, Insights, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Relationships, Spirituality, Typically Me
Ah, yes, spring cleaning! Opening the windows. Getting rid of shitty old behaviors, fears, relationships. Cleaning out the dark and dusty corners. It’s amazing how easy it feels to let go of things. Liberating, empowering. There’s a new, invigorating energy when I...
by Marnix Pauwels | mrt 9, 2022 | Awakening, Coaching, English, Insights, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Spirituality, Typically Me
Today I talked to a client about social media. I am helping him out for free, donating a couple of sessions, and he wants to use his professional expertise to repay me. “We are YouTube-certified, Tiktok-certified, and an official Instagram partner, so I could teach...
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