by Marnix Pauwels | Jul 31, 2022 | Addiction, Anxiety, Awakening, Coaching, Insights, Parenting, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Relationships, Spirituality, Typically Me
We lusten er wel pap van. Plannen maken, doelen stellen, dingen bereiken. Verantwoordelijkheid nemen, lijstjes bouwen, stappen zetten. Niet lullen maar poetsen. Knallen, beuken, gáán, DOEN! En het werkt. Zo’n beetje. Spullen zat, titels genoeg, altijd druk. Maar het...
by Marnix Pauwels | Jul 31, 2022 | Addiction, Anxiety, Awakening, Coaching, Insights, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Relationships, Spirituality, Typically Me
Je kúnt natuurlijk wachten. Omdat je dat nou eenmaal zo geleerd hebt. Omdat je dat fatsoenlijk vindt. ‘Wel zo netjes.’ Omdat je de kat graag uit de boom kijkt, voor alle zekerheid. Of omdat níet wachten zo’n beetje het engste is wat je je kunt voorstellen. Maar wat...
by Marnix Pauwels | Jul 31, 2022 | Awakening, English, Insights, Love, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Relationships, Spirituality, Typically Me
I’d love to play the role of an awakened being that’s convinced they can move the universe. Would LOVE it. That would be so fucking awesome. Oh, man. Writing about frequencies and vibrations, talking about our infinite divine power. Taking the whole Oneness-thing for...
by Marnix Pauwels | Jul 31, 2022 | Addiction, Anxiety, Awakening, English, Insights, Love, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Relationships, Spirituality, Typically Me
I had one million plans. Most of them didn’t work out. Some of them did, sort of. And there were a few who were almost exactly the way I wanted it. I remembered those. The rest: not so much. Then things started to change. Pain, addiction, running around in confused...
by Marnix Pauwels | Jul 31, 2022 | Awakening, English, Insights, Love, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Relationships, Spirituality, Typically Me
It’s raining. It’s making me sad. It drives me crazy. It’s never gonna stop. It’s SO annoying. Why is it so hard to accept! And it makes me wonder. What is this it. IT? It’s undeniable. It’s invisible. It’s unknowable. It’s everywhere. And it’s nowhere. It’s...
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