by Marnix Pauwels | okt 29, 2022 | Addiction, Anxiety, Awakening, English, Insights, Love, Parenting, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Relationships, Spirituality, Typically Me
Yesterday I posted ‘Why feel good when you can feel love?’ Maybe you bumped into it. And maybe you got what I was trying to say. And maybe you (still) have no clue. Here’s what I saw. Feeling good is a preference. Love is a choice. You can love without the need to...
by Marnix Pauwels | okt 27, 2022 | Addiction, Anxiety, Awakening, English, Insights, Love, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Relationships, Spirituality, Typically Me
Yes, it’s true. You’re perfect the way you are. So, so perfect. You’re actually the universe playing you, in the universe, looking for the universe. There’s really nothing to do! It’s all exactly the way it’s supposed to be. This moment couldn’t have been any...
by Marnix Pauwels | okt 26, 2022 | Addiction, Anxiety, Awakening, English, Insights, Love, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Relationships, Spirituality, Typically Me
Recently I’ve seen through a shitload of habits and automatic emotional responses and reactions, and it never ceases to amaze me how these insights can shift stuff. Worlds, even. Ever since I fully recognized my brilliant covert victim behavior and realized that I...
by Marnix Pauwels | okt 25, 2022 | Addiction, Anxiety, Awakening, English, Insights, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Relationships, Spirituality, Typically Me
There’s a habit, an urge, to be right. It’s very human. It’s cloaked in fear and protected by anger. Being right feels like being safe. Synonyms, but not really. It almost forces us to lash out and debate, criticize and mock. Hm. There’s a tendency to defend...
by Marnix Pauwels | okt 17, 2022 | Addiction, Anxiety, Awakening, Coaching, Insights, Love, Parenting, Personal, Purpose and Meaning, Relationships, Spirituality, Typically Me
Hier volgt een bekentenis: Pas op voor mensen die zeggen dat ze spiritueel wakker zijn 🙂 En ik zeg dat met alle liefde en begrip en plezier en ironie, want ik was zo’n mens. Ik DACHT dat ik dat was, het voelde zo, en het voelde bijzonder goed. Mijn ontboezeming is dan...
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